We are a team offering group coaching, energy therapy, movement + meditation practices, nourishing food and deep connection. 

Our retreat is designed to help you relax, rejuvenate, and restore yourself. With stunning views of the ocean, lush forests and majestic mountains, you will be surrounded by nature's beauty. Our retreat is the perfect place to press the reset button and reconnect with yourself to find balance again. 

Danielle Hartman

The Concious Coach

I have spent more than half my life developing myself in personal & spiritual growth. At a young age I yearned to understand human nature and felt a deep connection to my own intuition with a strong sense for what was going on with others around me.

I believe the purpose in life is to continually be evolving. The problem is, evolution is difficult in a society full of noise and a culture that honours disconnection (over consumption of alcohol, food, shopping, social media, busyness, spending). The pandemic in society is we need an awakening to all the things causing us separation from self.

The answer to all of this lies within but we need space, time and the willingness to feel discomfort to evolve. We need daily practices, time in nature and stepping out of our
daily lives to encourage self-connection so you can hear your intuition. We need to honour our mind, body and spirt and tend to it to support internal growth.


Claudia Chirico

Energy Therapy Practitioner

Since becoming Certified as a Bio- Energy Healing Practitioner in 2010, I have had great success in helping others recognize and honour their own personal power, purpose and self healing abilities. I am deeply committed to cultivating a safe healing space where each person is seen, heard, known and valued. My passion is connecting with people, reflecting to them how powerful, capable and worthy they truly are. 

As we heal personally and collectively, we liberate ourselves from the heaviness of past hurts, wounds and traumas, restoring our inner rhythm, awakening our peace, aligning our light, allowing us to ascend to new heights.


Ange Hartman

Teacher + Studio Owner 

I started teaching in 2016 after years or running marathons, surfing hundreds of days and year and engaging in a deep yoga practice.   I saw that when you bring together athletics and deep inner work, magic can happen.  On retreat, we are able to take what we do in the studio to an even deeper level.  meta means a change of state and that is exactly what it will deliver.   meta is a cardio endurance class designed to increase the capacity of the heart and lungs woven with 18 years of personal development work and spiritual teachings.   We build up the strength and stamina in the body first so that we have the energy and emotional fitness required to take on bigger possibilities in ourselves and our lives.  


Marika Richoz

Chef + Yoga Instructor

Marika began her career as an (un-official) chef in her mom's kitchen at age 5; assisting in licking cookie dough laden egg beaters and helping pit cherries. After spending much of her 20's and early 30's behind a desk and throwing dinner parties on the weekend, she got the idea to do it professionally after attending an underground restaurant in Buenos Aires. Since 2010, she has been hosting brunches/dinners along with private and personal catering jobs. She has cooked abroad, for celebrities, and at a heli skiing lodge. Teaching people how to cook and get inspired in the kitchen is one of her passions along with creating new recipes.
